Kota Kinabalu: “The Federal and Sabah governments must find long-term solutions to the diesel shortage problems in Sabah so that it does not recur again and stop providing piece-meal patch-work solutions” said Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief, in response to the request for an additional 8 million litres of diesel to Sabah’s normal July quota of 74 million litres by the Domestic Trade, Cooperative, and Consumerism Ministry (MDTCC) Sabah office.
First and foremost, the diesel shortage is chronic and crippling may factories and interrupting the daily lives of many Sabahans and may even have jeopardized the lives of some.
Making a request for 8 million additional litres is not acceptable given that the chronic shortage has caused long queues at petrol stations throughout Sabah for days and inconvenienced motorists being turned away at other stations that have run out of diesel.