
Sunday, 29 January 2012


SEJAK UMNO/BN menguasai arena politik Sabah hampir 20 tahun yang lalu, Sabah bukan sahaja menjadi negeri termundur dan termiskin di Malaysia, malah pribumi Sabah cukup menderita dan diperlakukan seperti pelarian di bumi sendiri.

Bermula dengan manipulasi kependudukan yang amat ketara, sehingga peningkatan kaum-kaum tertentu di Sabah amat luar biasa. Disusuli pula oleh manipulasi persempadanan pilihanraya, menyaksikan parti-parti tempatan hanya mampu gigit jari dengan penguasaan 50 peratus kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri oleh UMNO/BN. Lalu dengan kuasa yang ada, bermulalah episod luka dan derita rakyat Sabah terutamanya berkaitan isu Tanah Adat dan Pendatang Tanpa Izin. 
   Akhirnya rakyat Sabah hilang kuasa di bumi sendiri. Apabila ada pemimpin yang bangkit berjuang mempertahankan hak, maka secara membuta tuli mereka dianggap pembangkang yang tidak relevan dan sekadar mencari populariti untuk mendapatkan kuasa. Salahkah kita kembalikan kuasa pada yang hak? Salahkah rakyat Sabah menyuarakan sesuatu yang hak?
Justeru itu, jangan sesekali kita samakan perjuangan pembangkang di Semenanjung Malaysia dan perjuangan pihak yang dianggap pembangkang di Sabah. Perjuangan di Semenanjung Malaysia semata-mata perjuangan untuk menggantikan kerajaan yang sedia ada dan memberikan peluang kepada pemerintah baru untuk ‘membersihkan’ sistem pentadbiran sedia ada yang dilihat korup, kronisma dan cacamarba. 
Namun begitu, perjuangan di Borneo khususnya Sabah amat berbeza sekali. Perjuangan masyarakat Sabah bukan sekadar untuk menubuhkan kerajaan baru tetapi lebih kepada mengubah kerangka dasar negara yang dilihat jauh terpesong daripada landasan sebenar penubuhan Malaysia menurut persetujuan Perjanjian Malaysia 1963.
Pencabulan terhadap perjanjian ini, termasuk Memorandum 20 Perkara yang tidak diiktiraf merupakan pengkhianatan terbesar kerajaan UMNO/BN terhadap pucuk pimpinan Sabah yang terdahulu dan kepada rakyat Sabah seluruhnya pada hari ini.
Sehubungan itu, kerajaan UMNO/BN tidak seharusnya melayan Sabah dan Sarawak sama seperti negeri-negeri lain di Malaysia. Wilayah Borneo ini sepatutnya mendapat ‘keistimewaan’ berbanding negeri-negeri lain dalam Semenanjung Malaysia lantaran kesediaan wilayah ini menandatangani Perjanjian Malaysia 1963 yang secara jelas dan nyata menjadikan Negara Malaysia sebuah realiti. 
   Sabah adalah sebuah Negara sebelum ini.
Sayang sekali, daripada segi fokus pembangunan ekonomi sahaja sudah menampakkan ketidakadilan yang sangat ketara. Sabah misalnya hanya mendapat peratusan yang amat kecil daripada Perbelanjaan Pembangunan berjumlah RM51.2 Billion dalam Bajet 2012. Sedangkan jika kita membandingkan keperluan fizikal pembangunan di Sabah dengan Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah seharusnya layak untuk mendapatkan bajet yang lebih besar daripada itu. Apatah lagi dengan faktor keluasan Sabah yang menyamai 9 buah negeri di Semenanjung Malaysia sudah seharusnya mendapat pembelaan sewajarnya demi kebajikan rakyat Malaysia di Sabah.
Jika kita soroti kehidupan sebenar masyarakat di Sabah, kita akan dapat analisis umum bahawa Sabah tertinggal lebih 10 tahun kebelakang berbanding rakyat Malaysia di Semenanjung Malaysia.
Sistem jalanraya yang sangat teruk menjadikan jalanraya di Sabah sebagai laluan maut. Jika kita lihat lebuhraya di Semenanjung Malaysia, Sabah pasti sedikit irihati. Apa tidaknya, bukan sahaja tidak beraspal malah lebih teruk daripada itu, jalanraya berlubang, tanah merah yang licin dan berbengkang-bengkok adalah perkara biasa di Sabah.
Dalam konteks pekerjaan pula, ramai belia Sabah terpaksa berhijrah ke Semenanjung Malaysia lantaran ketiadaan kerja di Sabah. Polisi Kabotaj yang merencatkan perdagangan Sabah menyebabkan kilang di Sabah boleh dibilang dengan jari.
Kesiannya, anak muda Sabah menjadi kuli di Semenajung Malaysia sama seperti pekerja Myanmar, Bangladesh dan Indonesia. Lebih malang, dalam sektor kerajaan, penjawat awam Sabah sering dianaktirikan. Cuba kita cari berapa ramai anak Sabah yang menjadi pengetua sekolah di Semenanjung? Rasanya TIADA. Cuba pula kita kira bilangan pengetua sekolah anak Semenanjung Malaysia yang ada di Sabah?  Kalau kita boleh dapatkan 10 orang pengetua anak Sabah di Semenanjung Malaysia pun sudah kira ‘adil’ untuk Sabah.
Oleh itu, Slogan 1Malaysia untuk Sabah sebenarnya tidak relevan dan amat memualkan. Slogan ini lebih berupa keseimbangan sosial terhadap masyarakat Melayu, India dan Cina di Malaysia khususnya Semenanjung Malaysia. Hanya persilangan tiga budaya sahaja telah mencetuskan perbezaan yang amat jelas.
Buktinya Tragedi 13 Mei, dan beberapa cerita seumpamanya kebelakangan ini tidak pernah berlaku di Sabah yang mempunyai lebih banyak bangsa, agama dan budaya. Bukannya mendabik dada tetapi yang nyata kerajaan UMNO/BN tidak perlu mengajar bagaimana hidup harmoni dalam persekitaran berbilang bangsa dan budaya di Sabah. Bahkan, dalam satu keluarga sahaja di Sabah ini, sudah pun mewakili pelbagai agama, bangsa dan budaya tetapi mampu hidup harmoni, aman dan sejahtera. Di Semananjung senerio seperti ini hampir tidak boleh diterima.
“Rakyat Sabah berbilang bangsa dan agama, duduk di kedai kopi milik kaum Tionghua  adalah pemandangan biasa, tetapi ini tidak berlaku di Semenanjung dalam beberapa situasi tertentu seorang beragama Islam yang berbuat demikian terdedah kepada tafsiran ‘kafir’.
Oleh yang demikian, pengertian 1Malaysia bagi wilayah Borneo khususnya di Sabah ialah keseimbangan kuasa dan ekonomi. 
   “Rakyat melalui parti tempatan Sabah harus diberi peluang untuk menentukan halatuju negeri Sabah sesuai dengan aliran budaya masyarakat Sabah”.
Ekonomi; Sabah harus diberikan semula kuasa khas seperti memungut cukai dan pembahagian hasil bumi yang lebih seimbang. Masyarakat Sabah memerlukan penafsiran 1Malaysia dalam konteks yang lebih empirikal seperti kestabilan harga barangan yang sama di seluruh negara dan pembangunan fizikal yang harus ditumpukan ke Sabah setelah puluhan tahun kerajaan UMNO/BN membina ‘tamadun moden’ di Semenanjung terutamanya perkara yang disentuh dalam kupasan di atas.
Inilah rintihan sebenar rakyat Sabah, dan bukannya wang yang hanya beberapa ratus yang mereka perlukan. Sabah memerlukan sesuatu yang lebih besar dalam bentuk jaminan masa depan yang lebih baik kepada seluruh generasi Sabah. Fikirkan kata-kata ini “Kita kehilangan sebilah kapak, mengapa kita harus mencari dan mendapatkan sebilah jarum cuma”.

“STAR: Petroleum Masterplan - Sabah Oil Resources Belongs to All Sabahans”

“Sabahans will enjoy cheaper petrol, diesel and gas products, lower electricity rates and enjoy annual grants generated by a new Sabah petroleum corporation under STAR’s Petroleum Masterplan” announced Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, STAR Sabah Chief.

“STAR‘s Petroleum Masterplan for Sabah oil and gas resources is based on the vision “Sabah Oil and Gas Resources Belongs to All Sabahans”.

“It will be a three-pronged strategy that will seek a review of the existing arrangements on Sabah’s oil and gas resources as well as the overall development of a oil and gas industry in Sabah and the utilization of the oil and gas resources for Sabah and Sabahans first and the preservation and investment of the oil revenue for the well-being of Sabahans and for the future generations” added Dr. Jeffrey.

The Masterplan includes review of the cash payment from the current 5% to 50%, establishment of PetroSabah Corporation and the PetroSabah Wealth Fund and a Sabah Petroleum Advisory Council.

In 1976, after the tragic air crash that killed the then Chief Minister and senior members of the Cabinet, the State Government signed away 100% of the State’s oil and gas resources. It even gave up the collection of its 5% oil royalties and accepted a cash payment under the Petroleum Development Act, 1974.

Under the agreed cash payment, Sabah is now given only a meagre 5% of the revenue generated by Petronas from oil and gas extracted from Sabah and there is no transparency or accountability including whether revenue is given to Sabah for any oil and gas extracted off Labuan island, which is now a federal territory.

If Sabah had not waived collecting the 5% oil royalties, today, Sabah will be receiving at least 10% of the revenue from its oil resources, 5% oil royalties and 5% cash payment.

In 2012, Petronas is expected to receive RM14.734 billion from Sabah oil resources while Sabah will receive only RM0.775 billion and none is specifically invested for future generations. At the same time, gas is going to be channelled from Sabah to Sarawak via the new RM3.5 billion Kimanis-Bintulu Gas Pipeline, leaving little for Sabah and Blocks L&M have been signed away by the Federal Government to Brunei.
Despite recent demands by the people of Sabah, the State Government has done little to “re-negotiate” oil royalties for the long-term benefit of Sabah and Sabahans and safeguard the exploitation oil and gas resources in the best interests of Sabah and Sabahans.

Under STAR’s Petroleum Masterplan, the underlying objective will be to secure maximum benefits for Sabah from its oil and gas resources based on the vision and rationale that SABAH’S OIL RESOURCES BELONGS TO ALL SABAHANS.

Getting only 5% from its oil resources is no longer acceptable today. If this continues, Sabah will continue to remain as the poorest State in Malaysia.

The rights of Sabah and the welfare of the people can no longer be compromised by the continued exploitation of its oil resources at the expense of the people in Sabah.

Therefore, the first strategy of the Masterplan will be seek to obtain the best terms for Sabah’s oil resources including the restoration of Sabah’s rights to and autonomous control and management of its oil resources and payment of at least 50% of the net revenue from Sabah’s oil and gas.

This strategy includes a review of the Petroleum Development Act, 1974 and all matters relating to the giving away of the State oil and gas resources, a review of the Kimanis-Bintulu Gas Pipeline and assurances given by Petronas and the Federal Government inclusive of the guarantee to leave sufficient gas for Sabah’s use and review of sales tax revenue on oil and gas products in Sabah.

Also included will be a request to the Federal Government for a special subsidy for petroleum products equivalent to the volume of oil extracted from Sabah for consumers in Sabah. Sabah consumers should be paying less for petrol, diesel and gas products compared to their counterparts in Semenanjung.

There will be established a SABAH PETROLEUM ADVISORY COUNCIL to advise on and oversee the planning and policies for Sabah’s oil and gas resources. The Advisory Council will also assist to formulate a NEW SABAH OIL AND GAS POLICY.

It has to recognized that to derive maximum benefits and spin-offs from its oil and gas resources, these resources need to processed in Sabah and down-stream activities need to be promoted to generate further spin-offs.

Therefore, the second strategy of the Masterplan will be seek to establish a systematic development of an oil and gas industry in Sabah to maximize returns and spin-offs to its economy on best terms basis including the exploration and exploitation of the oil and gas resources.

The present day system of secrecy, non-transparency and non-accountability will be abolished. Petronas will have to be accountable to the people of Sabah for Sabah’s oil and gas resources.
There will be established a PETROSABAH CORPORATION to spearhead the development of the oil and gas industry in Sabah.

Where possible, Sabah’s oil and gas resources will be used for its oil and gas industry and related industries as well as for other local industries with priority utilization in the State.

A proposal will be submitted to the Federal Government for the licensing of oil and gas industry in Sabah to be under State control and not Federal control.

It will also be proposed that special tax incentives be given to oil and gas-powered plants in Sabah so that Sabahans will enjoy cheaper electricity rates generated by Sabah’s own oil and gas resources.

It will also be proposed to the Federal Government that PetroSabah Corporation will be tax-exempt company, exempted from paying Federal income tax.

It is recognized that despite the several recent announcements of new oil and gas finds off the coast of Sabah including within its inner waters, the oil and gas resources are a depleting resource and will be exhausted in the future.

Therefore, the third strategy of the Masterplan will be seek to invest some of the oil and gas revenues and at the same time to provide for the benefit and well-being of Sabahans.

The oil and gas revenues need to be conserved and invested for the future of Sabah and all Sabahans and cannot be wholly used in the annual State Budget as currently practised by the Government.

There will be established a PETROSABAH WEALTH FUND which will be entrusted to invest Sabah’s oil and gas revenues for the future generations. The investment guidelines and criteria will be formulated by the Advisory Council.

It is proposed that 12.5% of the annual profits of PetroSabah Corporation will be set aside to provide for Sabahans and another 25% will be invested in the PetroSabah Wealth Fund.

We cannot rely on and cannot depend on outsiders to decide on Sabah’s oil and gas resources which belongs to all Sabahans.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan 
Chairman STAR Sabah

20 January 2012

Thursday, 26 January 2012


“Ahli-ahli politik dan parti-parti politik dari Semenanjung harus menghormati rakyat Sabah sekiranya mereka betul ikhlas membantu Negeri Sabah dan rakyatnya dan janganlah merujuk kepada mereka sebagai “simpanan tetap” dan hanya pengundi dari segi politik semata-mata diperguna demi menawan atau mengekal kuasa di Putrajaya” hujjah Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, Ketua STAR Sabah.

Beliau menegaskan bahawa “Rakyat Sabah kini lebih matang dalam kefahaman politik” 
“Kini rakyat menyedari bahawa mereka telah diperdaya, diperguna dan ditipu sepanjang 48 tahun yang lalu sehingga Sabah menjadi Negeri yang termiskin di Malaysia dan kehilangan kuasa politiknya”.

Sudah tentu UMNO/BN berasa gembira kerana kekal berleluasa kuasa di Sabah. Akan tetapi adakah rakyat Sabah gembira?

Fikirkanlah! Adakah kita berasa gembira sebagai Negeri termiskin sambil mengetahui bahawa Negeri Sabah kaya-raya dengan sumber alam semulajadi termasuk minyak dan 95% hasil minyak kita diambil dengan secara tidak adil?

Adakah kita berasa gembira kerana dibanjiri dengan pendatang asing yang diberi MyKad dan berhak mengundi sehingga tidak lama lagi mereka akan mengambilalih hak-hak kita?

Adakah kita berasa gembira menerima hanya 5% daripada hasil sumber minyak kita dan Petronas menerima 95%?

Adakah kita berasa gembira bahawa hasil kita sebanyak RM35 bilion dipungut oleh Kuala Lumpur setahun manakala Negeri kita dengan tungkus-lumus hanya boleh memungut hasil setakat RM3.6 bilion sahaja?

Adakah kita berasa gembira dikuasai dan dijajahi oleh UMNO?

Tambahnya, kini Pakatan Rakyat juga datang memancing undi kita dan meminta rakyat Sabah menepikan parti-parti tempatan kecil dan menyokong mereka secara lansung mencapai agenda tersirat mereka terhadap rakyat dan Negeri Sabah.

Adakah mereka menganggap bahawa rakyat Sabah adalah bodoh dan mahu satu penjajah ditukar dan diganti oleh penjajah baru?

Rakyat Sabah tidak memerlu peringatan tidak diperdaya dan ditipu kali kedua dengan cerita donggeng bahawa hanya parti-parti Semananjung sahaja yang terbaik sanggup mewakili dan mempertahankan Sabah dan rakyatnya.

Rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak mesti mempertahankan dan memegang kerusi-kerusi Parlimennya. Jikalau tidak, bukan sahaja kedua-dua Negeri Borneo akan hilang kuasa bersuara mereka tetapi juga akan hilang kuasa rundingan mereka untuk mempertahankan hak-hak Negeri mereka.
Bersusulan daripada keputusan pilihanraya 2008, adalah nyata dan jelas bahawa Sabah dan Sarawak sudah menjadi kuasa penentu siapa yang memerintah Putrajaya. Seandainya parti-parti tempatan Sabah dan Sarawak telah menukar dan memihak pihak pembangkang, sudah terjadi penukaran Kerajaan Persekutuan.

Pendapat sesetengah pemimpin tempatan parti pembangkang daripada Semenanjung dan pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang dari Semenanjung bahawa hanya parti besar atau parti yang berpengkalan di Semenanjung sahaja yang terlayak menjadi kuasa penentu adalah salah dan tidak benar.

Satu-satunya contoh yang menyangkal pendapat tersebut adalah peranan yang dipegang oleh parti Liberal Democrats waktu pilihanraya United Kingdom pada tahun 2010. Parti Liberal Democrats memenangi hanya 57 kerusi di Parlimen UK yang mempunyai 650 kerusi tetapi telah menjadi kuasa penentu didalam perikatan yang berjaya menubuhkan Kerajaan pemerintah UK. Kuasa penentu tersebut pun dapat merebutkan perlantikan Timbalan Perdana Menteri UK untuk parti Liberal Democrats.

Sudah nyata bahawa parti-parti Semenanjung memerlukan kerusi-kerusi dan sokongan rakyat Sabah. Sokongan yang dipohon harus hanya diberikan dengan syarat-syarat yang memihakkan Sabah dan rakyatnya dan bukan berdasarkan syarat mereka atau agenda mereka.

Parti-parti Semenanjung boleh dan telah berjanji terang bulan dan bintang untuk meraihkan sokongan Sabah. Akhirnya, janji-janji mereka hanya janji kosong dan hanya parti tempatan yang berazam kuat sahaja yang dapat mempertahankan hak-hak kita.

Parti-parti komponen BN tempatan sekarang hanya sekadar pak turut ditarik cucuk hidung dan dipaksa membisu, pekak dan buat bodoh sehingga tidak boleh menyuarakan hak-hak Sabah dan rakyatnya. Mereka harus mengikut jejak parti Liberal Democrats di UK dan membelajari kemahiran mereka menggunakan kuasa penentu mereka.

Masa sudah tiba untuk rakyat Sabah bersatu berganding bahu dan bertindak mengambilalih tanggungjawab demi mempertahankan hak-hak kita.

Kita tidak boleh bergantung kepada orang luar atau wilayah lain untuk memimpin kita sebab mereka ada agenda mereka sendiri. Agenda, kepentingan dan prioriti mereka bukanlah sama dengan kita punya.

Mereka hanya berniat mempergunakan kita, rakyat Sabah, demi menjayakan perjuangan Semenanjung mereka menawan atau mempertahan Putrajaya.

Kita mesti menentukan nasib kita sendiri. Jangan biar orang lain menentukannya untuk kita.

Kalau Bukan Kita, Siapa Lagi? Kalau Bukan Sekarang, Bila Lagi?

INI KALI LAH! Jangan melihat rendah terhadap parti-parti tempatan.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan 
STAR Sabah Chapter

18 Januari 2012

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Semakan Semula SBPA Bukti Kerajaan CINCAI Merangka Skim Ini

Semalam Perdana Menteri mengumumkan penangguhan dan semakan semula skim Saraan Baru Perkhidmatan Awam (SBPA). Langkah ini dilihat sebagai membuktikan bahawa perancangan dan pelaksanaan skim ini tidak dibuat dengan teliti dan menyeluruh. Bahasa mudahnya, kerajaan 'cincai' semasa merangka skim ini.

Malah, ini juga jelas memperlihatkan bahawa kerajaan merangka skim ini secara membabi buta semata-mata untuk memancing undi penjawat awam. Kerajaan beranggapan bahawa dengan kenaikan gaji yang 'sangat tinggi' akan menutup mulut, mata dan hati penjawat awam agar terus menyokong kerajaan tanpa berfikir. Tetapi ini bukan 50 tahun yang lalu. Pada masa ini kebanyakan penjawat awam telah memahami erti demokrasi sebenar. Penjawat awam telah lama terpelajar bukan setakat apa yang tertulis pada sijil kelayakan tetapi juga terpelajar dari segi menilai sistem pentadbiran yang adil dan telus.

Apa yang lebih dikesalkan ialah semakan semula ini hanya melibatkan penjawat awam yang belum menandatangani skim ini. Manakala yang sudah menandatanganinya, tidak terlibat dan kekal dengan pilihan yang ada. Jika kita melihat semakan semula ini sebagai ada sesuatu yang tidak kena, mengapakah penjawat awam yang telah menandatangani harus menerima skim yang "bermasalah" ini?

Ini sekali lagi memperlihatkan taktik kerajaan yang cuba memperbodohkan penjawat awam sedangkan kebanyakan penjawat awam yang telah menandatangani skim ini adalah mereka yang tidak kisah dan hanya menurut perintah sahaja. Mungkin terdapat juga golongan yang dipaksa oleh majikan untuk menandatangani skim ini.

Oleh itu, saya menegaskan bahawa semakan semula ini haruslah melibatkan semua penjawat awam tanpa ada syarat. Semakan semula ini jelas membuktikan bahawa SBPA ini bermasalah. Jadi seharusnya masalah ini diselesaikan dahulu sebelum ia dilaksanakan untuk semua penjawat awam.

Ini Kali lah! – Don’t Forego this Opportunity to Save Sabah?

“Sabahans must stand united in the coming elections and vote for an alternative government, irrespective of their political ideologies, if they want to SAVE SABAH from further damage and deterioration. Ini Kali lah” reached out Awang Ahmad Sah Datuk Awang Sahari, Deputy Chairman of STAR Sabah.

“Imagine if the Malaysia Agreement had been complied with!

Imagine if the 20-Points were implemented!

Imagine if Sabah were in control of its revenue, development funds and tariffs!

Imagine if Sabah collects at least RM15-20 billion each year instead of RM3.6 billion”

Imagine if Sabah did not give up its oil resources OR got more than the current 5% royalties!

Imagine if Sabah were in control of its immigration, borders and security!”

Sabah should be better far off than what it is today! Definitely not not the poorest but comparable to Brunei and Singapore.

For the past 48 years, the older generations were ignorantly blissful on State rights while the younger generations were harbouring under misguided and twisted facts of history on the original intentions of our founding fathers and the Malaysia Agreement on the formation of Malaysia.

However, thanks to the enlightening Borneo Tea Parties conducted by the United Borneo Front (UBF) and the untiring efforts of UBF’s founding Chairman, Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, and his UBF’s dedicated team of “penyelaras” merry-men, Sabahans at all levels have awakened from their ignorance and naivety and see through the marginalized and unfair treatment of Sabah and Sarawak through the campaigning for the adoption of the BORNEO AGENDA.

Sabahans, young and old or middle-aged and from all walks of life are fast learning to understand the tBorneo Agenda and the issue of State rights and autonomy.

Not only are Sabahans been flocking to the Borneo Tea Parties and fully supporting the Borneo Agenda, they are now enlightened and are seeking the restoration of Sabah’s rights and autonomy.

In addition, many young intellects have stepped forward to help spread UBF and the Borneo Agenda and to help educate and enlighten the others in their respective localities.The support and enthusiasm of the people enlightened by UBF is reflected in the successful launching of the State Reform Party (STAR) recently.

“To me the more than 5,000 strong crowd is not the yardstick for the success but the manner of the attendance of the crowd” explained Awang Ahmad Sah.

“Unlike other political parties who provide transport, food, free accommodation and even cash to the attendees, STAR supporters had to get their own transport and buy their own food” added Awang.

At STAR, we are championing for “Justice for Sabah” and State rights and autonomy and the people understand that they are stakeholders of their and their children’s own future.

As a result, instead of spending for the launching, the people were prepared to bear their own costs whether it was RM1 or RM10 or RM100 to lighten the financial constraints and stand together, physically, emotionally and financially, to struggle for a brighter future for Sabah.

STAR’s struggle for Sabah and the future of our future generations has captured the hearts and minds of Sabahans.

The thunderous applause and the vociferous shouts of "KALAU BUKAN KITA SIAPA LAGI, KALAU BUKAN SEKARANG BILA LAGI" and "INI KALI LAH" at the launching of STAR says it all.

History has shown us in the successful ousting of USNO by BERJAYA and the downfall of BERJAYA caused by PBS.

The presence of illegal immigrants with dubious ICs and voting rights, gerry-mandering of constituencies and boundaries delineations have been done by the powers that be at the expense of Sabah and ordinary native Sabahans. Why must we standby and continue to let this evil scheme continue?

While on paper, the defeat of UMNO/BN may not look easy, it is not impossible.

Unless UMNO in Sabah is stopped and the Government replaced, the colonization way of Sabah by the Federal Government will continue unabated and it may soon be beyond rescue.

Petronas and the Federal Government receives more than RM15 billion from our oil resources annually while we receive a fractional 5%. Yet, Sabah leaders have to literally beg for that few billion in development funds. There is nothing to be ashamed of in getting a few billion in development funds as the Federal Government takes more than RM36 billion annually from our taxes and oil resources.

In Indonesia, Acheh Province is autonomous and gets back 70% of its oil revenue.

In the Russian Federation, Muslim Republics manage their own oil resources through their own oil Ministries. They even sign bilateral agreements with other countries on a country to country basis in dealing with their own resources. Although Russia is not an Islamic federation, it uphold justice, at least by convention, on their oil resources.
A time will come when our oil resources are depleted, Sabah will be a liability to the Government and may be left to fend for itself. By then it will be too late.

STAR appeals to all fellow Sabahans to use what we have left, that is unity among us that cuts across religion and race, to stand united and not to waste the opportunity in the forthcoming general elections to support State rights and effect a change of the Government.


Deprivation and hunger is indiscriminate and not race or religion based. Neither it is not God caused but human caused. One simple and shining example, as envisioned by STAR, Sabah would instantly be transformed to be the richest State if oil royalties is increased to 50% and Sabah collects its own taxes as per Point 11 of the 20-Points.

GE-13 is the last chance for us to oust UMNO and BN from Sabah.

“We must not forego this opportunity to stand united to oust the UMNO/BN regime and SAVE SABAH from further destruction” appealed Awang Ahmad Sah.


Awang Ahmad Sah Datuk Awang Sahari 
Deputy Chairman 
STAR Sabah Chapter 
13 January 2012

Friday, 13 January 2012

Jeffrey: STAR Registration NOT an Issue

“STAR’s legitimacy in Sabah is not an issue as it is a national party registered by the Registrar Of Societies (ROS) in Kuala Lumpur and its constitution allows it to open up branches and committees anywhere in Malaysia” says its Sabah Chapter Chairman Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan.

If you ask ROS the wrong question, you can expect to get the wrong answer. It is like asking the ROS whether UMNO Sabah is registered.

“I am amazed at the sudden excitement to condemn STAR’s existence in Sabah” added Dr. Jeffrey.

“Why are they afraid of STAR or Dr. Jeffrey for having a political vehicle?”

“Only those whose political interest are affected by STAR’s presence in Sabah should feel that way and feel threatened by STAR Sabah” pointed out Dr. Jeffrey.

For the public’s information, STAR had even fielded a local candidate, Amatus Bernadus Anjun, in the then P.146 Sabah Parliamentart seat of Marudu in the 1999 general elections.

STAR is here to fight for the rights of Sabah and Sarawak which had been neglected and eroded by Kuala Lumpur/Malaya. These include our political autonomy, our rights to taxes and revenues, our oil resources and our rights under the 20-Points.

Sabah cannot continue to be on the losing end of the Malaysia Agreement. We can no longer depend on outsiders for leadership. This is 2012, we are no longer in 1963.

STAR is here to stay as the current Sabah leaders can no longer be depended to fight for Sabah’s rights and autonomy.

We, Sabahans, can manage Sabah ourselves and to decide our own development as well as our future. Why should Sabah continue to be colonized and ruled by UMNO from Peninsular when we have already achieved our independence in 1963?

All Sabahans should stand united and seek to restore Sabah’s rights, status and autonomy.

Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan
Chairman, STAR Sabah Chapter
12 January 2012

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

“PBS, Upko, PBRS – Are you Protecting Sabah’s Rights?

“PBS, Upko, PBRS! Are you protecting Sabah’s Rights? replied Edward Linggu, Campaign Director of UBF in response to the press reports quoting Dompok, Mositun and Kurup on the launching of STAR Sabah.

Obviously, the people does not think so and rallying to support STAR Sabah as can be seen by the more than 60,000 supporters signing up in less than 3 weeks. Perhaps, PBRS may not even have the same number of committed members.

In his launching speech, our Chairman, Dr. Jeffrey, has made it clear the political vision of STAR Sabah for Sabah and urged all Sabahans including Sabah BN leaders to stand unite regardless of their political ideologies to safeguard and protect Sabah’s rights and autonomy.

“In fact, Dr. Jeffrey, stated that the Sabah BN leaders were in Government and were in position and power to implement change and adopt the Borneo Agenda and openly challenged the Sabah BN leaders to implement the changes to safeguard and protect Sabah’s rights and autonomy” added Edward.

Instead of side-tracking the real issue, Dompok, Mositun and Kurup, should respond to Dr. Jeffrey’s open challenge and teIl the people of Sabah whether have the guts to stand up to their political master and take the necessary action to protect Sabah’s rights and autonomy for the benefit of our future generations.

They (Dompok, Mositun and Kurup) need to understand and be reminded that the 7 core objectives in the Borneo Agenda advocated by UBF and now supported by STAR Sabah and the United Borneo Alliance are not demands for extra rights or privileges for Sabah.

“Is it wrong for STAR Sabah to support the Borneo Agenda which advocates the restoration of the rights and autonomy of Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia as equal partners and the fairer and more equitable treatment of Sabah in Federal policies including revenue sharing and oil royalties” asked Edward that requires them to decide for the people of Sabah on STAR Sabah.

If Acheh Province in Indonesia can be granted autonomy and enjoy 70% share of their oil resources, there is no reason why Sabah cannot be granted 50% of its oil wealth for the benefit of all Sabahans.

As regards federal taxes and duties collected from Sabah, reliable sources indicated that the collections in 2011 is expected to be RM20-22 billion.

Imagine if Sabah gets 50% of the federal taxes and oil wealth of about RM16 billion, Sabah will get a massive injection of some RM18 billion annually and poverty will not only be eradicated completely but the State’s economy will enjoy a quantum leap from its current budget of RM4 billion, which in itself a record-setting precedent.

“Do the Sabah BN leaders dare to deny that the additional RM16 billion will not be to the benefit of Sabah and Sabahans and their future generations?”

“Do the Sabah BN leaders dare to deny that the rights and changes sought to be restored to Sabah under the Borneo Agenda will not be to the benefit of Sabah and Sabahans and their
future generations?”

If the Sabah BN leaders are brave enough to openly agree that the additional revenue of RM16 billion and the restoration of the State rights and autonomy are good for Sabah, then they should unite and stand united with STAR Sabah and the United Borneo Alliance (UBA) to safeguard and protect the rights and autonomy of the Borneo States as advised by Dr. Jeffrey.

“Remember, the people are no longer ignorant and will be watching the Sabah BN and will decide their fate in the forthcoming general elections” said Edward.

If the Sabah BN leaders do not do the right thing to safeguard Sabah’s rights and autonomy, the people in Sabah will reject the Sabah BN leaders and change the Government.

The time has come for the people and leaders in Sabah and Sarawak to “TAKE CHARGE” and not rely on others to safeguard Sabah and Sarawak’s rights.


Edward Linggu
Campaign Director
09 January 2012

Monday, 9 January 2012

STAR: Better to Have Good Dreams for Sabahans than Actual Nightmares under BN

“It is better to have good dreams for a better Sabah for Sabahans than to have actual nightmares under BN parties and Sabahans continue to be poorer and poorer and be marginalized by the Federal Government and the State be deprived of our rights and flooded by illegal immigrants with dubious ICs” replied Guandee Kohoi, Secretary, STAR Sabah

Chapter, to the statements by leaders of Upko, PBS and PBRS. Contrary to the accusations, Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan’s stand is clear that the leaders in Sabah must stand united in protecting the State and Sabahans irrespective of their political ideologies. Slow but steady erosion of Sabah’s rights including the unfair taking of Sabah’s oil and gas resources. This has resulted because Sabah leaders have not been united and did notprioritize Sabah’s rights and interests over their party’s interests and personal interest.

Dr. Jeffrey has even invited and urged the local Sabah BN parties and UMNO Sabah leaders to leave BN and stand united to safeguard Sabah’s interests in Malaysia. If the Sabah BN leaders love Sabah and care for the rights and welfare of Sabahans, the Sabah BN leaders should take pro-active actions to safeguard Sabah’s rights. Under UMNO SABAH’s “Sabah Baru” policy, Sabah is now the poorest State in Malaysia with 40% of the poor in Malaysia.

“The local Sabah BN components are no longer relevant and are no bodies in the eyes of UMNO. Dare Dompok, Kurup and Mositun deny that Upko, PBRS and PBS are not treated as equals and policies decided without consensus from Sabah components” asked Guandee. Even UMNO Sabah are seeking to takeover the seats of Upko and PBRS including Kurup’s seat in Pensiangan.

“What is wrong in seeking the restoration of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners in Malaysia and seeking a better and more equitable treatment of Sabahans by the Federal Government, higher oil royalties from the current unfair 5%, the resolution of the illegal immigrants and Project IC issue under the Borneo Agenda” asked Guandee, which STAR Sabah is seeking for Sabah.

“Is it wrong to have such “dreams” as alleged when they are good for Sabah and Sabahans.” 
“Is Dompok, Mositun and Kurup meaning to say that they and Upko, PBS and PBRS will not fight for Sabah’s rights?” retorted Guandee.

“If Kuala Lumpur leaders want Sabah leaders to be traitors to Sabah’s cause, are Dompok,Mositun and Kurup and their other leaders continuing to be willingly pulled by them?”

Dr. Jeffrey and STAR Sabah’s vision for Sabah and Sabahans are clear and precise. “Can Dompok and Kurup say the same of their parties’ vision as their parties are no longer relevant to the people?”

It is not for Mositun or Kurup to decide whether STAR Sabah would be accepted by the people of Sabah. STAR Sabah have come up with their aspirations for the people of Sabah and will leave to people to decide in the forthcoming general elections.

STAR Sabah strongly believes that based on the people’s feelings mosquito parties like PBRS will be wiped out in the coming elections and become obsolete.

It has never been the dream of Dr. Jeffrey of heading a political party and has never made it his objective of heading the previous parties and deemed it fit to leave the political vehicles for failing to see through Dr. Jeffrey’s political stand.

Dr. Jeffrey has always been consistent in his political stand that there must be “JUSTICE FOR SABAH” to the extent of being a political prisoner under the ISA for more than 2 years. No other Sabah leader has ever made such a sacrifice.

As for SPF’s response, STAR Sabah would like to state, amongst others, that the Secretary-General was present as the launching of STAR Sabah.

STAR Sabah’s political vision is for Sabah’s rights and for the empowerment of the people in Sabah and invite the Sabah BN leaders and their parties to abandon the BN and unite with STAR Sabah to safeguard Sabah’ rights, interests and autonomy.

Guandee Kohoi
Secretary, STAR Sabah Chapter
08 January 2012